I started my professional career in Informatics for liking Mathematics and looking for financial independence. I fed my soul and my artistic side with Theatre. In motherhood, fascinated by the human bonds and behaviors, I changed careers, migrating to Psychology.

Today I realize that my way of being in the world is guided by my enchantment in observing, reflecting, imagining, intuiting, creating, listening and putting myself in someone else’s feet, accompanying, trading and being able to contribute for a better world.

When I programed and analyzed systems, my goal was to find solutions to facilitate the daily routine of people and organizations. As an actress, I looked for capturing the character’s soul to tell a story with confidence and to touch people. In psychology, I offer the construction of new perspectives through the process of self-knowledge, increasing self-love and the ability to deal with the challenges of life in a healthier and loving way.

Understanding that we’re all from the same species and, at the same time, we’re all unique, I dedicate myself deeply to the tools with which I work with. I carry in my background a range of propositions arising from various formations, although some of them speak louder to the heart for understanding the human beings holistically and in their relationships. Those propositions are the Psychodrama, the EMDR Therapy, the Ontological Coaching and the Non Violent Communication. The writing, the body expression, the singing, the yoga, the meditation and the contact with other cultures constantly enrichen even more my personal and professional practice.

Inside my perspective I carry many, which made me publish a book of tales, poems and reflections, “30 Insights".

I hope to know yours and, together, we can build new horizons towards the flow, the lightness and the beauty of life.